I wish I had more time to write. These past weeks have been so loaded with work. Like I told you guys the other day I'm working on this high profile case that is taking up so much of my time. Today I will go to church then try to spend most of the day with my family. I've been thinking a lot lately about friends! I don't have many. The few I have say that I'm a good friend. But...lets apply some logic to the situation...If I'm such a good friend, why don't I have more friends? I see people with tons of friends and wonder how..How do they have time to talk or spend time with so many people? I barely get to see my family with all the work I have.
I know a lot of people and i think some view me as their friend. But you and I know what a real friend means.There is a reason (I think) for my small (very small) number of friends. I went to 14 different schools when I was a kid. Some moves where due to my family moving from city or country. Other moves were due to behavior problems and other moves were due to my mom suspecting I was gonna have behavior problems and decided to move me before I embarrassed her again.
The thing is I learned to let go of friends quite easily. There were a few times in which I attended 2 different schools during the same year. I would arrive, meet people, like people, but never put much effort into keeping in touch or anything. That is why I have only 3 childhood friends. I kinda keep in contact with one, I consider him my best friend because I care about him more than any other friend I've ever had.
Remember when you first got a facebook account and began searching for old friends and classmates. Remember the feeling you got when you find people you didn't remember existed and all of a sudden you contact them to be friends again. I go through that a lot. Because I went to so many schools, every time I find a classmate from one of those schools I search their friends list and find people I went to class with for a little while. All of a sudden I remember all their names and even some stories. I went to 2 schools during my 6th grade year. I found a picture of my class at the second school I went to that year. I had never seen that picture. When I saw it last night I remembered that day as if it had happened recently. I remember that I forgot that day was picture day, thus, I didn't ask my dad for money to pay for the picture...result...never got a copy, thus never saw the picture. I found the picture doing a search like the ones I just talked about. I'm sure that the person I took the picture from has no Idea who I am. But thanks anyway. I remember almost all the names and had a great time looking at it.
Here it is, I kinda ruined the picture.. Yeah, I know I look adorable, hugable and lovable but I wasn't looking straight when the picture was taken.
Al menos tienes tiempo para buscar en facebook, asi que a lo mejor no es falta de tiempo, sino falta de interes :P